Did you know that lack of space isn't the thing keeping you from packing personal-item-only?


Personal-Item-Only Workshop

A LIVE 4-day event helping you to overcome 3 common packing light roadblocks so you can finally travel personal-item-only in 2023!




You know it's possible... you've read about it on Her Packing List.

The only problem is... where the heck do ya start?!

There are 3 main hurdles keeping you from setting off with that tiny bag…

(Which one of these is you?)


A personal item seems so, so small. Is it really possible?

You want to believe that small bag travel is possible, but self-doubt is stopping you before you even start. You're not taking the time to get clear on what personal-item packing actually looks like... and why bother?


You're anxious about traveling with so little stuff. How can you have everything you need?

You want to have that ultralight packing freedom, but you don't understand how it's possible to feel confident without packing for every possible scenario. And that doesn't fit in a personal-item bag... does it?


You're still packing the same way you always do. How is that bag supposed to hold 3 pairs of shoes?!

You want to have the same amount of things but magically compress it all into a personal item. There's no other way to do it... is there?

It feels like there's just brick wall after brick wall getting in your way, and that's causing you to:


Make feeble attempts at packing only in a personal item the night before a trip

And then...


Throw in the towel, pack a much larger bag, and continue to pay for your luggage

The cycle continues, and you make no real progress towards your light packing goals. Sound familiar?


Oh, hey there... I'm Brooke!

For 10+ years, I've helped hundreds of thousands of women pack light and travel confidently. With feedback and personal experience, I've developed a system that helps make the journey easier.

I'll be honest, though... it wasn't always easy to pack light AND feel confident and prepared at the same time. Back when I was a newbie backpacker in 2008, I didn't have someone showing me a proven system. I had to go through years of packing trial and error making small changes and improvements over time.

Fast-forward to 2016, and I was setting off on a 3-week trip packing nothing more than a 12L messenger bag! I figured out how to pack light (like super light) and not have all that associated anxiety and worry hanging over my head.

Because I've figured out how to make that possible, I want to help you, too, in this 4-day workshop.

If you want to achieve packing only in a personal item, you have to do things differently.

No more wishing and hoping to be that carefree traveler...

You won't get anywhere in this packing light game until you:

  • Set the intention
  • Identify your parameters
  • And put your guidelines into action
PIO bag packing
Brooke packing PIO

Successful light packers know that in order to pack tiny and prepared, you need to make it a priority.

To do that, we need to start with the following 3 things:

  • What size bag you're going to pack
  • The essentials you're going to prioritize
  • Your make-or-break travel shoes

And then we need to apply the same training to each additional area of your packing.

It's really that easy!

So don't sabotage your efforts before you start.

It's time to stop focusing on the limitations of a tiny packed bag and instead on all the possibilities.

Get on the path with the Personal-Item-Only Workshop!

Brooke packing ultra ultralight


A LIVE 4-day event helping you to overcome 3 common packing light roadblocks so you can finally travel personal-item-only in 2023!


From identifying your personal item bag size to choosing your optimal pair of travel shoes...

By the end of our time together, you'll have your biggest roadblocks dealt with so you can finally pack the light bag you've always dreamed of and actually breeze past airline baggage restrictions packing personal-item-only this year!


4 Days of Live Training to Take You From "There's No Way!" to Having Your Major Roadblocks Busted So You Can Head Off On Your Next Trip With Only a Personal Item

Each day, I'll go live inside our Members-Only classroom inside the HPLWorld members portal (you don't need Facebook for this) to help you work through the key ingredients. I've taken 3 of the most common blockers and created trainings to help you see that personal-item-only packing is truly possible. Let me shorten the learning curve for you!

PIO bag choices

Training 1: Minimize Your Travel Bag

You can't travel with only a personal item if you don't minimize the size of your current luggage.

But... do you know how small you really need to go? Do you have a clear picture of what personal item-only packing actually looks like?

Let's find out together so you can choose a realistic PIO bag AND know what you'll be able to achieve with it.

PIO packing essentials

Training 2: Prioritize Your Essentials

Making sure you have your essentials in your bag first is key.

Let's discuss how to prioritize what matters to you most on your packing list so you don't leave anything important behind. Doing this properly means you end up with a tiny-packed bag that makes you feel confident - not anxious - when walking out the front door.

optimize your travel shoes

Training 3: Optimize Your Travel Shoes

You'll most likely not be packing 3, 4 or 5 pairs of shoes when traveling personal-item-only. So let's optimize our options!

We'll talk about how you can get down to just 1 pair of shoes (okay, maybe 2). Getting this blocker out of the way frees up a lot of extra space in your personal item bag.

30 day plan to packing PIO

Training 4: Your 30-day Plan to Personal-Item-Only Packing

After learning our simple system and seeing it in action in this workshop, you'll be able to complete your personal-item-only packing list in the next 30 days. Get an achievable gameplan in this day 4 bonus training.

Plus... Access to Our Members-Only Support Group

You'll get access to our private classroom where you can share your homework, questions, and wins with other members during the workshop. You don't have to do it alone :)

Oh, wait... Did you think we were done? Not even close!

Let's have a look at the 5 FREE bonuses you get!

Lifetime Trainings Access: Freshen Up Your Skills When You Need To

Each of our training sessions will be accessible inside your virtual classroom so that you can revisit them as you're packing and preparing for your next trip.

Personal Item Allowances Guide: Know Exactly What Size Bag to Pack

This spreadsheet of popular airlines will provide you with a quick list of the size and weight restrictions you need to abide by when packing personal-item-only. Hot tip: It might not be as small as you think!

Destination Research Checklist: Pack Light & Feel Prepared

Part of the anxiety of packing light stems from heading to a new place. That's where research comes in handy! When you have more knowledge about your destination, you can pack more out of logic rather than fear.

Daily Mindset Training: Tackle the Mental Roadblocks Adding Extra Items to Your Packing List

Feeling overwhelmed with the concept of packing SO LITTLE? Or, maybe you keep trying and failing? No worries! You'll get daily mindset sessions (15 minutes each) to help reframe your brain and see packing PIO as a possibility once and for all.

Fill-in-the-Black Packing Checklist: Plan Your PIO Packing List & Not Forget a Thing

We're big fans of packing lists here! They help you plan what to bring on your trip and then tick it off before heading out the door. We'll fill out 3 parts of this checklist together; you'll be able to fill out the rest with your newfound knowledge and motivation.

Get the roadmap to making personal-item-only packing a reality for just $37!

When you sign up for Personal-Item-Only Workshop, you'll get...

  • Training 1: Minimize Your Travel Bag
  • Training 2: Prioritize Your Essentials
  • Training 3: Optimize Your Travel Shoes
  • Training 4: Your 30-day Plan to Personal-Item-Only Packing
  • BONUS: Daily Mindset Trainings
  • BONUS: Personal Item Allowances Guide
  • BONUS: Destination Research Checklist
  • BONUS: Fill-in-the-Black Packing Checklist
  • BONUS! Lifetime Trainings Access

Get all of this great value...

...for just $37!


We've got A's for your Q's

Where does this workshop take place?

We will not being using a Facebook group for this live workshop. Instead, you will gain access to a private classroom inside the HPLWorld members portal. You will receive your invite via email after reserving your spot!

When does the next workshop take place?

Official dates and times will be locked down soon, so join the waitlist in order to get notified.

How does it work?

After registering, you will receive an invitation email with a link to join the HPLWorld members portal (we use Mighty Networks for this). Once inside, RSVP to the live events and get ready to join the livestream trainings! We'll be doing a 30-minute daily training, 15-minute break, then a 15-minute mindset call each day of the workshop. You only need 1 hour per day!

What if I can't join live?

All live trainings will be recorded and available for replay inside the members-only classroom. You will have lifetime access to the recordings and access to the discussion feed for 30 days after the class ends.  

If you want to achieve packing only in a personal item, you have to do things differently.